
Casserole with courgettes :)

Yesterday when I was came dinner time, my mother came to me and said that she planned for today our special casserole, then I said that I would like to cook it, of course, under her supervision, learn to prepare it from start to finish, by when I will leaving home, I could sometimes make it for dinner. Thus, our casserole, zucchini is flooded with mozzarella, tomato sauce with a slight taste of garlic;], just simply delicious, and now the recipe:


- 2-3 courgettes
- Mozzarella cheese
- 2-3 eggs
- Tomato Sauce
- 1-2 cloves of garlic or garlic powder
- Flour
- Oil
- Basil
- Salt
- Teaspoon of sugar
- Bread crumbs

How to make?:

1. To start, prepare everything. Cut the courgettes into medium-thick slices, as shown in the picture. Pour the flour into a small bowl, eggs stick to the bowl and add some veggies and then fluff, and the third bowl pour bread crumbs. However, mozzarella cheese, cut into thin slices.

2. Then dip each piece of courgette turn in flour, egg and coat in breadcrumbs and then fry in hot oil on a frying pan previously, as shown in the picture. Bring to gold shade on each side.

3. During the courgettes will cook, you can prepare the sauce. For a small pot add oil, just so that covered the bottom, then wait a while to warm up, and then add the crushed garlic or garlic powder. Then after a minute, pour the contents of tomato sauce, then add the basil at the end, not too much, with two pinches, and a teaspoon of sugar. Then cook until the ingredients will consolidate with each other, you can finally try it, and if need be, u can salt a little bit more. How to combine the ingredients, the sauce should be discontinued to cool.

4. When our fried courgettes cool. We begin our ingredients arranged in layers in the prepared dish, heat-resistant, as will be heat casserole in the oven.
I just arrange the sequence, first the bottom pour sauce, then arrange courgettes, like this:

Fill the whole, the center also gently pour the sauce to put on it slices of cheese. One cube at one layer :)

Then do the same with second layer.

Fill a whole, then pour the sauce has a whole:

And arrange the cheese and at the end sprinkle with shredded basil to taste:

5. So arranged casserole insert oven preheated to 180 degrees or the lowest level, and hold until the cheese is melted and the courgettes warm and soft. We lasted about 15 minutes.
After removing looks like this:

6. Dish to spread the plates and invite family members or guests to the table.


2 komentarze:

  1. Muszę spróbować ;) Proste do wykonania całkiem ;) Dziś mój mąż kochany wspominał coś o kolacji przy świecach, a wie, że gotowanie nie jest moją mocną stroną więc myślę że starania doceni:D

  2. Sorki, że tak późno odpisuję. Heh, to danie jest faktycznie bardzo proste, więc osoba, która nawet nie ma zdolności kulinarnych da sobie spokojnie z tym radę :)
